Tips for taking pictures in the snow

December 26, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

We have been blessed (??) with a fair amount of snow here in the Chicagoland area and my kids are already snowman making champs this season.  I love taking pictures of them in the snow.  They are so happy with the novelty of snow.  I do not have to work for smiles.  However, snow can be a challenge to get a nice shot in.  Here are a few tips to help you grab a cute one.

1)  If you are trying to take a shot out at a park/sledding area, be an early bird before the snow gets trampled and grey looking. Do not worry about this so much in your own backyard.  A few foot prints should not make a difference in the shot.

3)  Dress your little one in a brightly colored hat and they will really pop in the picture against the white backdrop.

4) If it is sunny, wait for sunset.  Otherwise the reflection off the snow will make for some over exposed pictures.  A cloudy day should be fine any time. (My example was taken at 2pm on a completely overcast day.)

5) Do not use a flash!  Again, combined with the snow it will probably produce some really overexposed pictures.

6)  Let them get involved in what they are doing.  Get down at their level so you are shooting head on.  Then, call their name and smile at them.  Most kids will just smile back.

7)  If using a DSLR take a few pics first and check your histogram.  If you see a nice mountain then you are ready to shoot.  What is a histogram?  A graph that displays how the light is distributed in your picture.  See below for a picture and link to a more comprehensive discussion.


Happy shooting and stay warm!


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