Valentines Day Photo Idea

January 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I love taking pictures of my kids for any reason.  So Valentine's Day is a perfect excuse.  Below I have two pictures for you.  The first is my home set up for this picture and the next one is my sweet boy in the set up.  I used white muslin cloth, four clips to hold the cloth onto the clothing rack, a toddler sized chair, a small chalkboard and chalk, and some Valentine's Day hearts.  You will notice the picture of my set up looks quite yellow.  I did this for a reason to mention to you to turn off any yellow overheard lighting and make sure to place your set-up near a large open window.  That will give you the most professional look.

A few pointers about taking this type of shot.  Use as much natural light from your windows as possible.  (Jen, you just said that!)  I know my friend, but that is so important it deserve to be said twice.  Also, do the chalk much harder and darker then you think you should.  Chalk does not show up well in pictures.  I would recommend getting a chalkboard with a wider border then mine.  It is too easy for little hands to wipe off the letters.   From there, take my idea and run with it.  Change the writing to whatever you like, such as "I love Grandma," and make the best Valentine's Day present Grandma has ever gotten.




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